I was looking for a way to get Jersey work in a Google App Engine application that I am working with. Things seems to work just fine with the local test server, but deployed in the production environment it fails miserably.
The answer to the problem wasn't easy to find at all, but after plenty of googling i found a this post that the answer I was looking for.
I will here summarize the steps in a bit shorter post and hope that it will make this solution a little bit easier to find for others.
The problem boils down to the dependency of the asm jar file. The new versions of the GAE libraries use asm-4.0.jar but Jersey still depends on asm-3.1.jar. There are some posts out there that suggest that you can remove the asm-4.0.jar and change the data nucleus version to v1. WARNING!!! Doing this messed my eclipse up totally. I never got it to work properly again and had to reinstall it and all the plug-ins!
What Harry Wye suggests on his blog is to repackage the jar files depending on asm-3.1 using Jarjar Links. This worked fine for me using version 1.3. 1.4 gave me a manifest attribute error. I am not terribly experienced in Java, so I don't know why this happend or what to do about it (if you know... please share it in a comment on this page), but trying 1.3 did the work for me.
To repackage the jersey server jar (which is the only one depending on asm), you first have to create a file (rule.txt) with this content:
rule org.objectweb.asm.** org.objectweb.asm3.@1
Then run jarjar:
java -jar jarjar-1.3.jar process testrules.txt asm-3.1.jar asm-3.1r.jarjava -jar jarjar-1.3.jar process testrules.txt jersey-server-1.14.jar jersey-server-1.14r.jar
Now you can deploy Jersey with the modified jars along with asm-4.0.jar in your GAE application.
Good Luck
torsdag 18 oktober 2012
måndag 1 oktober 2012
DIY RS232 shield for the Olimex E407
My first hardware project with the E407 was to create an RS232 shield (they can be bought if you don't want to build it yourself). I used olimed own arduino proto shield. I happened to have a Maxim 232 driver circuit in my drawer, and also the five 1uF electrolytic capacitors needed to create this board.
First of all I discovered that the Olimex proto shield doesn't fit the board very well. I had to grind off one of the corners to make it fit with the power supply capacitors on the E407 board. A regular proto shield won't fit better... it seems like the capacitors aren't too well placed on the E407 board :-/
Since I am not very experienced in programming the STM32 processor I had to verify the construction with an AVR I had laying around and it seemed to work fine. I couldn't make it work with the E407 though.
I found out that the source I had downloaded from ST's site is designed for the Discovery board which has an 8 MHz external clock source. The E407 has a 12MHz clock. I had to generate a new system file with ST's excel tool. The patch can be found here.
I then compiled the example from Elias electronics blog, which seemed to work fine.
Good luck!
First of all I discovered that the Olimex proto shield doesn't fit the board very well. I had to grind off one of the corners to make it fit with the power supply capacitors on the E407 board. A regular proto shield won't fit better... it seems like the capacitors aren't too well placed on the E407 board :-/
Since I am not very experienced in programming the STM32 processor I had to verify the construction with an AVR I had laying around and it seemed to work fine. I couldn't make it work with the E407 though.
I found out that the source I had downloaded from ST's site is designed for the Discovery board which has an 8 MHz external clock source. The E407 has a 12MHz clock. I had to generate a new system file with ST's excel tool. The patch can be found here.
I then compiled the example from Elias electronics blog, which seemed to work fine.
Good luck!
tisdag 18 september 2012
Lean electronic prototyping: Prove your assumptions
Conventionally, when developing electronic devices, companies tend to focus on developing a prototype hardware as the first stage. This is a complicated and expensive strategy that consumes large quantities of energy and money in a design up-front.
There are alternatives however. Today there are many open source circuit boards to choose from off the shelf, that suits almost any need for an embedded system. These boards are extremely cheap, and the tools for them are almost always open source, and thus, also free.
The maker movement and DIY (Do It Yourself) trend has brought embedded development to be a serious hobby alternative for anyone... even kids. And there isn't just toy functionality offered on these cheap hobbyist boards, it is real computer power and connectivity there, such as USB, Bluetooth, internet working, motor control. There are even circuit boards meant to be sewn into your clothes with conducting thread! All from the price of 20$ USD or so. In combination with mobile phones, cloud services and integration with other systems, these systems form a very powerful tool for innovation.
One of the most eye catching applications is off course the home 3D printers that has started to pop up in the market. For about 600$ USD, you get your own mechanical factory! The CAD-tools used for these are also often free and/or open source. With the 3D printers you can manufacture mechanical parts for your invention with very small means. This becomes a very important missing piece in the prototyping process that often tends to become the most expensive step when developing the prototype.
With the right prototyping strategy, a company can focus on developing quite advanced Minimum Viable Products that they actually can test in the hands of a real customer. This will give a much more trust worthy feedback, and will help the company to eliminate waste in the development process.
The sad truth is that the most important properties of a system are the least costly to develop. Many electronic devices are completely depending on a good the user experience, which in most cases are implemented in software. I'm not saying that the industrial design of a device is unimportant, on the contrary, but in the development of a minimum viable product, or prototype, you should focus on proving your assumptions regarding the customers needs/desires. To do this, the shortest and cheapest way is often to realize the solution in software. With the use of a lean prototyping strategy, the trade off between software functionality and industrial design can become less dramatic.
So what's the catch? ...
Well, there are off course down sides of these methods. To face the truth, the quality of the open source tools often leave a lot to wish for. Setting up a development environment based on open source CAN be done, but it takes it's fair amount of googling and experimenting to get it running. The documentation is often in a poor state, or none existing. This puts a big burden on the developers involved and the project becomes a lot more dependent on a high level of skills of the team members.
I would like to point out though, that during my time as a devloper and project manager in embedded systems projects, I cannot recall one single occasion when I have received any useful support from a company we have bought "closed source" tools from. So the increase in risk, is probably leveled out by the probability that you would actually get what you pay for, when using proprietary closed source software.
So keep it lean; focus on the customer, eliminate waste, keep the iterations short.
![]() |
A complete electronics development studio, open source only! |
The maker movement and DIY (Do It Yourself) trend has brought embedded development to be a serious hobby alternative for anyone... even kids. And there isn't just toy functionality offered on these cheap hobbyist boards, it is real computer power and connectivity there, such as USB, Bluetooth, internet working, motor control. There are even circuit boards meant to be sewn into your clothes with conducting thread! All from the price of 20$ USD or so. In combination with mobile phones, cloud services and integration with other systems, these systems form a very powerful tool for innovation.
One of the most eye catching applications is off course the home 3D printers that has started to pop up in the market. For about 600$ USD, you get your own mechanical factory! The CAD-tools used for these are also often free and/or open source. With the 3D printers you can manufacture mechanical parts for your invention with very small means. This becomes a very important missing piece in the prototyping process that often tends to become the most expensive step when developing the prototype.
With the right prototyping strategy, a company can focus on developing quite advanced Minimum Viable Products that they actually can test in the hands of a real customer. This will give a much more trust worthy feedback, and will help the company to eliminate waste in the development process.
The sad truth is that the most important properties of a system are the least costly to develop. Many electronic devices are completely depending on a good the user experience, which in most cases are implemented in software. I'm not saying that the industrial design of a device is unimportant, on the contrary, but in the development of a minimum viable product, or prototype, you should focus on proving your assumptions regarding the customers needs/desires. To do this, the shortest and cheapest way is often to realize the solution in software. With the use of a lean prototyping strategy, the trade off between software functionality and industrial design can become less dramatic.
So what's the catch? ...
Well, there are off course down sides of these methods. To face the truth, the quality of the open source tools often leave a lot to wish for. Setting up a development environment based on open source CAN be done, but it takes it's fair amount of googling and experimenting to get it running. The documentation is often in a poor state, or none existing. This puts a big burden on the developers involved and the project becomes a lot more dependent on a high level of skills of the team members.
I would like to point out though, that during my time as a devloper and project manager in embedded systems projects, I cannot recall one single occasion when I have received any useful support from a company we have bought "closed source" tools from. So the increase in risk, is probably leveled out by the probability that you would actually get what you pay for, when using proprietary closed source software.
So keep it lean; focus on the customer, eliminate waste, keep the iterations short.
lördag 15 september 2012
Building the GCC tool chain for the STM32F4
I have chosen an Olimex Board (STM32-E407) since it conforms to the Arduino form factor and has a processor close to the model used by my custormer. A JTAG was and a couple of development shields were ordered as well.
Before I can get started I need a toolchain to compile my applications. I could download a prebuilt toolchain from Mentor Graphics (Code Sourcery), but I wanted to see how if I could build one myself.
I have a 32 bit Ubuntu 12.04 host, and I tried to follow two other howto’s but none of them worked, so I had to mix the instructions from both. (http://www.triplespark.net/elec/pdev/arm/stm32.html, http://jeremyherbert.net/get/stm32f4_getting_started )
First install the tools needed for building the toolchain:
$sudo apt-get install flex bison libgmp3-dev libmpfr-dev libncurses5-dev libmpc-dev autoconf texinfo build-essential libftdi-dev libzip-dev
Now clone the source repository:
Note: See the update below for instructions for GDB XML support!
$git clone git://github.com/esden/summon-arm-toolchain
$cd summon-arm-toolchain
Since noone else will use my toolchain I will install the toolchain in my home directory: ~/tools/arm/arm-linaro-eabi-4.6.
Build the tool chain:
$./summon-arm-toolchain PREFIX=~/tools/arm/arm-linaro-eabi-4.6/ OOCD_EN=1 TARGET=arm-none-eabi LIBSTM32_EN=1 USE_LINARO=1 CPUS=2
When done, check the result:
It should say something like this:
arm-none-eabi-gcc (Linaro GCC 4.6-2011.10) 4.6.2 20111004 (prerelease)
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
To be able to work efficiently on the command line I create an environment setup script. With this script I can have several different toolchains for different platforms, and different automation scripts, that doesn't pollute my systems PATH environment variables and bash setup.
Open up a text editor and create the file env.sh, looking like this:
echo "Olimex STM32-E407 Development Environment"
#Sub shell
#Export the variables to use in the development environment
export PATH=~/tools/arm/arm-linaro-eabi-4.6/bin:$PATH
export PS1="[Olimex E407] \u@\h:\w\$ "
#Start a new shell with the exported variables
Change the mode of the file:
$chmod +x env.sh
Enter your environment:
To exit the environment shell, just type exit and you’ll be back to your normal prompt.
From here I followed the last sections in http://jeremyherbert.net/get/stm32f4_getting_started to build the first test software.
Good luck!
Update Sept. 17 2012
To be able to debug the target I hade to rebuild the toolchain with XML support enabled in the GDB target.
To do this you first need to install expat:
$sudo apt-get install libexpat1 libexpat1-dev
Then find the GDB build target in the automated build script named summon-arm-toolchain and add the parameter "--with-expat \" before the GDBFLAGS parameter (or add it to the GDBFLAGS variable).
Now build the tool chain according to the instructions above.
Arm Cortex-M4,
stm32 E407,
fredag 14 september 2012
Setting up Olimex arm-usb-tiny-h with Ubuntu 12.04
This was a bit tricky, and it has taken some time to Google for all the bits and pieces that finally made it work.
First I downloaded libftdi 0.20 from here: http://www.intra2net.com/en/developer/libftdi/download.php
Build it with the normal series of auto tools commands:
$sudo make install
I am not sure if both are needed, but to be on the safe side I downloaded the ftd2xx driver and installed it as well. You can get it here: http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX.htm. Copy the libftd2xx.so.1.1.12 and libftd2xx.a to /usr/local/lib and make symlinks with the names libftd2xx.so and libftd2xx.so.1
I downloaded and compiled openOCD 0.6.0 from here http://openocd.sourceforge.net/ and build it with:
Note: See updated instruction regarding patch below!
$./configure --enable-ftdi --enable-ft2232_ftd2xx
$make install
When plugging in the arm-usb-tiny-h, you will not be granted access by default. To handle this you have to create a rule for udev:
$cd /etc/udev/rules.d
As root, create a file named 99-olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h.rule with this content:
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="15ba", ATTRS{idProduct}=="002a", MODE="0666"
I also removed the brltty package which might interfere with some of the ftdi drivers, but this was only a precaution. You could try running without removing it.
$sudo apt-get remove brltty
Now I run openOCD with the following command (paths relative from where I built openOCD):
$openOCD -f tcl/interfaces/ftdi/olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h.cfg -f stm32f4x.cfg
You can download the stm32f4x.cfg from Olimex web site.
Good luck!
Update Sept 17 2012
Apply the patch provided by this site: http://pastebin.com/rdFF2eZd before configuring and buildng openOCD
Arm Cortex-M4,
stm32 E407,
måndag 2 april 2012
Ssh-agent on Linux Mint 12
I have had som struggle setting up ssh agent to work with my Linux Mint machines. Both are running Linux Mint 12 and are fairly recently installed. What I want to do is to be able to log in from one host (called vader) on the other (called leia) without having to enter password every time and I don't want to generate keys with empty passwords.
First of all, I discovered that on Linux Mint 12, the firewall is turned on by default which prevented me from loging on to 'leia' with ssh. So, make sure your firewall is letting traffic through on port 22.
Now, generate keys as usual on your local host and enter a password for them:
vader$> ssh-keygen -t rsa
Install the public key on the host you want to connect to:
ssh-copy-id -i @
In my case, it looks like this:
vader$> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub peter@leia
Now, it is time to load your key into memory. This is done with the program ssh-add, but first you have to start an instance of ssh-agent.
vader$> ssh-agent bash
vader$> ssh-add
The ssh-add command will automatically load ~/.ssh/id_rsa into the agent and ask you for the password you've set. From now on I don't have to enter a password when logging in to leia, as long as I stay in the ssh-agent shell.
Good luck!
First of all, I discovered that on Linux Mint 12, the firewall is turned on by default which prevented me from loging on to 'leia' with ssh. So, make sure your firewall is letting traffic through on port 22.
Now, generate keys as usual on your local host and enter a password for them:
vader$> ssh-keygen -t rsa
Install the public key on the host you want to connect to:
ssh-copy-id -i
In my case, it looks like this:
vader$> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub peter@leia
Now, it is time to load your key into memory. This is done with the program ssh-add, but first you have to start an instance of ssh-agent.
vader$> ssh-agent bash
vader$> ssh-add
The ssh-add command will automatically load ~/.ssh/id_rsa into the agent and ask you for the password you've set. From now on I don't have to enter a password when logging in to leia, as long as I stay in the ssh-agent shell.
Good luck!
fredag 23 mars 2012
Windows Temp folder prevents Eclipse from starting
Since a couple of months I have had the pleasure of working on a Google Web Toolkit (GWT) project. Google have produced a range of quite well integrated tools for it an it is quite a smooth experience, even on an embedded platform such as the one I am working with.
Unfortunatelly, it seems that the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE) relies heavily on the users local Temp folder in windows, and generates quite a lot of files to it. After a couple of months, first eclipse, then MinGW, simply wouldn't start. Or sometimes i took hours to get it working. It turns out that you can't have too many files and folders in a folder, and there is no mechanism in Windows (that I know of) to automatically clean out the Temp folder or even give a warning when it becomes full. If the Temp folder gets full, it prevents some programs from operating correctly.
Solution: Delete the content of the Temp folder ("C:\Users\'your user name'\Appdata\Local\Temp" in Windows 7). It's as simple as that.... and it worked like a charm for me.
Good Luck
Unfortunatelly, it seems that the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE) relies heavily on the users local Temp folder in windows, and generates quite a lot of files to it. After a couple of months, first eclipse, then MinGW, simply wouldn't start. Or sometimes i took hours to get it working. It turns out that you can't have too many files and folders in a folder, and there is no mechanism in Windows (that I know of) to automatically clean out the Temp folder or even give a warning when it becomes full. If the Temp folder gets full, it prevents some programs from operating correctly.
Solution: Delete the content of the Temp folder ("C:\Users\'your user name'\Appdata\Local\Temp" in Windows 7). It's as simple as that.... and it worked like a charm for me.
Good Luck
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